
Server Rules

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GENERAL RULES Be respectful to all players out-of-character. Any threats or intent to harm other players in the community or the server will result in a permanent ban. Do not complain about staffing decisions in game or in global chat. Appeals or reports can be made on the forums. In game currency (DarkRP Cash) may not be sold or traded for real life items, currency or credits Avoiding punishments by any means is forbidden. A staff member has final say on all rule interpretations including those not explicitly stated in the rules. Anyone caught baiting or encouraging others to violate rules will have an equal or greater punishment to the rule violation. GOLDEN RULE: USE COMMON SENSE!
RP RULES Random Death Match (RDM) Players directly harming your life, property and/or freedom may be killed without warning. Raids and hits can be completed by killing without warning. All other cases require a valid 10 second warning including a clear set of instructions delivered through typed chat. The action to be completed and the amount of time they have to complete the said action shall be included in all 10 second warnings for the warning to be valid. It is the full responsibility of the person giving the warning to ensure all intended targets are aware of the warning should they ask. If the target has completed the instructions in full, you may not kill them. Group warnings shall only be authorized for 10 second leave warnings. The consequence does not have to be detailed, all valid warnings are automatically a threat. Ex: Drop 1k or die you have 10 seconds. | Leave or die you have 10 seconds. If a target of which a warning and/or inducing action is being directed too shows hostile intent OR ignorance of the instruction (2 second leisure), such as but not limited to specifically pulling out a weapon/red baton, escaping, un-safety-ing a weapon, etc. then action can be made instant. Examples of Inducing Actions: Stunsticking, Raping, Mugging, Pimp Slapping, Kidnapping, Wanting and so on The mayor may not be killed during Mayor Grace for any reason. Mayors Grace is voided by the Mayor executing anything RP related beyond what is done automatically (like default laws) You may not camp the mayors office during his grace with the purpose of killing him afterwards.
Metagaming Your character may not use information beyond its knowledge and beyond its current life. This includes but is not limited to any form of revenge killing, warrant, wanting, or demoting
Props and Entities Prop/Entity/Door spamming, blocking, climbing, surfing, and minging altogether is not allowed. Do not spawn props/move props inside of/on top of other players’ property, do not do it during raids, and do not do it during an event
Basing and Building You may have a textscreen building sign to isolate and protect yourself from the RP world provided you do not have any raidables, and you are not engaging in role-play. It must be removed when you are finished. Call staff if you are being tampered with to the point where you cannot physically build. The maximum amount of fading doors per base is 3. Bases cannot force players to crouch, jump, crouch jump, or precision walk at any point Fading bridges and sky-constructions are not allowed. Base entrances as well as the overall inner layout must be absolutely clear and concise. (I.E Mazes, Traps, Puzzles, Hidden Keypads, etc.) You may not build anywhere in the vicinity of the main intersection point in front of spawn or the immediate sidewalks directly adjacent the spawn entrances/exits for Danktown / C18 Building pointless large bases or other RP-restricting structures (i.e pointless things blocking more than 50% of the road/sidewalk) will result in them being removed. Pointless is described as something that adds nothing to the RP value or gameplay ~ some examples being Art, Houses with no purpose, Buildings with no purpose, Minge Builds, etc. You cannot trap people or force anyone to pay a toll to exit an obstruction if you are not a hostage taking class
RP Relation You are free to protect players, along with their property, that you have an RP relationship with You cannot RP Relate yourself to someone after a hostile action has been initiated in order to defend against said action. RP Relation via job name must be completed both ways to be valid. Ways to be RP related: Job/Class – This takes precedence over all other RP relation. You must also follow all class rules before considering RP relation. Owning the same base – You may only protect those within the vicinity of your base. This also applies to the Hotel and all tenants within, every tenant shares ownership of the Hotel along with the Manager. Organization – An organization can be made for $50,000 . Hired/Working Together – You must be either hired through F4, or have your job name set as: /job "with person/org name here*" Customer Relationship – Whilst performing your transaction you have RP relation with your customer
Raiding and Mugging You and those RP related with you must wait 10 minutes before performing these actions on the same person and/or base. This does not apply to Police Officers re-raiding bases for illegal infractions or players raiding out of jail by means of escaping all raids and muggings and kidnapping must be /adverted.
Mugging Maximum: $1,000 Must grant victims 10 seconds to oblige unless they are actively escaping, in which you can KOS them. Any signs of hostile intent from the victim (including taking out/switching to weaponry) is KOS Raiding You may only occupy a raid for 10 minutes. Once you’ve completed your raid, you must leave immediately. Dying during a raid, coming back, and re-entering absolutely any part of the raid zone is disallowed as well as attempting to contribute to the success or failure of said raid from outside it. You must be a raiding class to assist in any form of raid period Absolutely anyone is KOS in the raid zone (defined as a 5 shoulder-to-shoulder length from any entrance/exit/wall ~ props included). Government jobs have different raid zone guidelines below. Leaving the raid zone at any point during the raid ends your raid participation with the exception of leaving to deal with someone directly related to the base If it is 100% obvious that there are no raidables in a base, you may not raid. You may raid checkpoints.
Kidnapping Ransom cannot exceed 50,000 Zip-tying or purchasing a hostage classifies it as your own property and they are raidables when left in your base Only kidnapping classes may advertise (PM, Voice, Ad, Yell, and Chat) the sale of hostages a.k.a ransom Only kidnapping classes may trap players in their base and/or constructions If your hostage struggles out and attempts to clearly escape, you may KOS them. If you witness someone successfully cut your hostage then you may KOS. Zip-tying upon hearing the sound is assault relative to the target it's being aimed towards As a hostage, you may KOS the kidnapper, the person owning the props holding you, and anyone related until you successfully escape the facility/building/prop construction
CLASS RULES Every class has their RP relation, ability to raid, ability to mug, and ability to take hostages listed on their descriptions. Demotions Demotions are only for people who fail to satisfy the objectives of a certain job or Cops displaying corrupt behavior. Unique scenarios for demotion may be provided in the class rules below. If a staff member is online, do not demote for server rule violations. Common scenarios for demotion include: Government Classes violating custom laws. However, they can be immune to laws and hierarchy whenever they may prohibit them from performing their duties. Mayor setting laws that give special treatment to a particular person or group (excluding Government) Mayor receiving payment for law changes Government Classes receiving bribes of any kind Government Classes refusing to enforce the laws Insubordination (Not obeying lawful orders given by leadership jobs which go beyond just the Police job or displaying clear corruption) Vendor classes refusing to sell
Government Classes In the PD, the Mayor has final say on building defenses. If they waive this right, then it is passed on to the Police Chief. The mayor cannot set laws that allow for rule violations or hinder role-play (including any law that restricts building) The mayor may not run for the next mayor vote if they have switched jobs mid-term. Police Specific Rules: Police must arrest instead of kill after giving a valid 10 second warning Police may be asked to leave the inside of a base and/or stop impeding a door/exit legally with a customized demotion warning. Police must only want/warrant an individual off of definite and visible infractions. There are two exceptions: One includes advertisements/textscreens displaying explicit hit, illegal items (C4, Printers, etc.), and/or ransoms. The other is search warranting the bases of wanted players who are explicitly listed on a door or revealed via /go in the same vicinity. Police must grant individuals clear warnings in chat during lockdowns Police may arrest people (and any part of their body) past the PD lobby and/or KOS them if they are armed with hostile intent Police may KOS absolutely anyone holding weaponry in the raid zone. They may also AOS those bodyblocking entrances/exits in the raidzone. Police may KOS if they are assaulted by all means except Bugbait and an Arrest Baton (they do nothing), in which they must arrest. Police may AOS anyone carrying a hostage Police may only build checkpoints if authorized by the Mayor command, not law. The checkpoint must include at lease one free pathway through. Police may not plant evidence to incriminate Police cannot raid (attacking) with criminals If a player is wanted, the Police must make every attempt to arrest FIRST, unless/until they are armed with hostile intent.
Media (DJ, Cinema Owner, Picture Frames) DJ’s may not place their radio within the vicinity of another already-established radio No porn (explicit visuals of female nipples, rectum, penis, testicles, and/or vagina), illegal garbage, ear rape garbage, racist garbage, or erotic garbage is to be played or shown on your media. Staff discretion overwrites this ruling.
Vendors / Scamming Do not scam regardless of whether or not you are a designated Vendor class. "Vendoring" encompasses all trade and transactions, even while not being a vendor job, done via the non-global (PM), (YELL), and (CHAT). Instances where staff will NOT convene given the consistent lack of proof and unlikelihood (scamming still not allowed): If you are scammed after free hand gambling with other players on the server without utilizing the gambling machines If you are scammed via transactions not found in non-global chats like (ADVERT) If you are scammed via transactions done in (VOICE) Staff are also obligated to convene if they can find the proof to convict, like a confession or video proof for all that has been listed except advert. Sit Watchers Sit watching is an opportunity for potential staff to learn how we conduct day-to-day operations as a staff member. Anyone may request to be a sit watcher, but you can be denied for any reason. Furthermore, if you are accepted, you must abide by the following rules: You be actively sit watching at all times You may not disrupt any sits in progress or engage in inappropriate behavior in the sit room

Admin application

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  • alias:
  • (e.g.: Bob,Steve,Kim )
  • Steam Public Profile Link: 
  • (e.g.: Please login or register to see this link. )
  • Age:
  • Location: -
  • Have you had any experience with being an admin of this game? 
  • (If so please state your roles, what server you admin'd on etc...): 
  • (If so please state your roles, what server you admin'd on etc...):
  • Time played on game:
  • Time played on our servers: (Use U-time, displayed on in game HUD)
  • What qualities/skills you feel that you have and what can you do to help further improve SmurfRP:
  • What are your strengths:
  • What are your weaknesses:
  • What is it that in your mind would make a great admin and why:
  • Other information:
  • All Staff  must be in discord